Radio Bibande PNI P15-UV


New low cost dual band VHF/UHF radio from PNI

According to our tests, it is the best performing "Chinese low cost" radio. In addition, the price/performance ratio is much better than the competition.
We provide free programming of the 2 FFVL frequencies, as well as checking the various functions of the radio before each expedition.
1 year warranty.

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The PNI P15UV is a dual-band radio that offers maximum freedom to the user by customising various functions: selectable transmit power (5W/1W), manual channel programming, manual frequency entry using the keypad, scan mode selection, adding or excluding channels from the scan, precise frequency scanning by entering a certain frequency range, call coding and decoding, SOS alarm (local, code or sound), repeater tone selection, adjustable mute at 9 levels, frequency step selection (2.5/5.0/6.25/ 10.0 /12.5/20.0/25.0/50.0 KHz) etc.

The radio operates in several modes: UHF-VHF, VHF-VHF, UHF-UHF, in frequency mode or in channel mode. You can choose to have both frequencies or channels displayed on the screen simultaneously (depending on the operating mode).

Charger cradle included.
Attach the P15UV NIBP Station to the included tabletop charger. Connect the charger's power supply to a 220V power source. During charging, the LED on the charger is red and turns green when the battery is fully charged.

The 1500 mAh Li-Ion battery can also be charged by connecting directly to a power source via the battery's micro USB Type-C port.

The dual microphone/HP connection is of the KENWOOD type.

FM band reception and LED light are also present.

Radios first of all, will be invaluable allies when you're a beginner paraglider pilot and the landing area is approaching, for example... They're great for keeping in touch, of course, and can be accessorised with remote microphones or larger-capacity batteries. The models we've chosen are lightweight and dual-band (CADs that work abroad on different channels, like New Zealand or the USA, for example).

See all our items in the range .

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