Who is the SIV driving course in Annecy for?

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Who is the SIV driving course in Annecy for?

Many pilots at the beginning of their progression ask us the question: When can I do a SIV course ? What level should I have?

The SIV course is suitable for most pilots as the progression is individualised, however there are prerequisites and we can even determine a 'level' at which the SIV course becomes more interesting.

Reportage 8 montblanc

Take-off :

During the course, an instructor supervises the take-off, and depending on the weather and the organisation of the day, flights can take place in the afternoon. It is therefore important to know how to take off in a breeze up to 15km/h or even 20km/h.
For a pilot who doesn't feel like taking off

In these conditions, it is better to choose a course in the autumn, ideally in October. In spring, the course will still be possible, but the pilot will run the risk of missing a flight.

Landing :

Although the instructor supervising the flight will monitor and even guide the pilot on landing if necessary, it is essential to be autonomous on a landing to land in PTU in an afternoon breeze. This is a necessary prerequisite.
Paragliding Annecy Alpes Stage Siv 03

Flying exercises :

The exercises in flight are individualised, so it is not necessary to have a particular level. However, the piloting course is more expensive than a classic course and it would be a pity to have to work for several flights on exercises that could be done in the "Autonomy" course, i.e.: Pitch, roll, ears. It is therefore advisable (but not compulsory) to be comfortable with these exercises before coming on a Pilot course. If this is not the case, we advise you to do one or two days of advanced course to acquire these skills, and then follow the flying course afterwards. This will allow the pilot to take advantage of the "safe" setting of the flying course to work on the collapse and spiral exercises.


The pilot must have his own equipment (including radio). If something is missing, it can be rented for the course. Please enquire before the course.

Advanced progress :

Our flying courses are not suitable for pilots who have a high level of progression. This applies to those who fly competition wings (CCC) as well as to pilots who want to do aerobatics beyond the basic level. Stalls, helices, mistys, sats can be covered in our courses without problems, but not tumbling, Mc Twist and all the more recent manoeuvres.

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Samuel N.

J'ai commencé le parapente en 2005 dans le Vercors. J'ai eu la chance de faire 2 années de compétitions en équipe de ligue en 2011 et 2012. J'y ai beaucoup appris sur le vol de performance, mais suite à ça, j'ai préféré me diriger vers l'enseignement que la compétition. J'ai donc passé le BPJEPS en 2013 puis le DEJEPS en 2019. La découverte de nouveaux sites et le vol de distances m'ont passionés les premières années. Puis en devenant moniteur, c'est plutôt la votige qui m'a motivée pendant quelques années. J'ai participé à la première édition du Roq’Acro, au Redbull Element en 2014, à la Transdromoise et d'autres compétitions de cross jusqu'en Nouvelle-Zélande ou en Colombie. Je suis moniteur aux Grands Espaces depuis 2014, et aujourd'hui j'encadre les stage "pilotages" (SIV), mais aussi certains stages "initiation" et "autonomie". Je vol aussi en biplace et je suis engagé dans la gestion administrative des Grands Espaces avec mes autres collègues associés.

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